We have several good options for our older adults who want to learn and grow in a small group setting. Listed below are the classes, the curriculum they use and the teacher for each one. For more information and the location of each, please contact the church office.
- Journeymen Class - Men 70 and up - led by Joe Scrivner - Explore the Bible
- Ruth Class - Women 60 and up - led by Becky Cook - Explore the Bible
- Friendship Class - Women 60 and up - led by Ginger Wright - Explore the Bible
- Golden Oldies Class - Coed 60s-80s - led by Don Howard - Explore the Bible
- Boomer Class - Coed 60s+ - led by Butch Ward - Explore the Bible
- Open Windows Class- Coed 50s-70s - led by Rich Hlavaty - Explore the Bible
- Classics Class - Coed 50s and 70s - led by Norman Turnipseed - Explore the Bible
- Bible Study Class - Coed 50's-70s - led by Dan Griffin - Explore the Bible
- No Name Class - Coed 50's-60's - led by Gerry Smothers - Explore the Bible
Commorados meet the second Thursday of each month for a time of fun, fellowship, and pot-luck lunch with a special program included. They meet in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00am.