This Week at CBC

Sunday – 2.16.25

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February 19, 2025
Hamburger, Fries, Baked Beans, Dessert
Reservations/cancellations must be made by noon Monday for the upcoming Wednesday night meal. Any reservation made after 12:00 pm Monday will be for the following week’s meal.

This Week at CBC

Worship Services, 8:30, 9:45, or 11 AM
Small Groups, 9:45, or 11 AM
Hispanic Church, 11:30 AM , Harbor
Celebration Choir, 5:00 PM, Sanctuary
Surgery for the Soul, 6:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
Ladies 21 Days of Prayer, 6:00 PM, B208-209
Recovery Alive (Women) 5:00-5:55 PM, 6:00-7:00, B106
LAMBS (Ladies Bible Study),  12:30 PM, B206-207
ESL Classes, 9:30-11:30 AM, 6:30-8:00 PM, Annex
Wednesday Night Meal (All Ages) 5:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
Pastor’s Bible Study (All Ages), 6:30 PM, Fellowship Hall
Hispanic Bible Study (All Ages), 6:30 PM, Annex
His Daughters (Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 PM, B106
WOM (Women on Mission), 6:30 PM, B206-207
Deep Water Worship (Young Adults), 6:30 PM, Meeting Rooms
Kids On Mission (Grades 1-6),  6:30 PM, The Bridge
Refuge Student Worship (Grades 7-12), 6:30 PM, Harbor
Mission Friends & Nursery  (Birth – Kindergarten), 6:30 PM, Pond 

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